Online Car Buying – TruPrice Direct at Salinas Honda

Why would you spend time driving all the way to the dealership when you’re already doing all your research online? Never leave your home with Salinas Honda online car buying, TruPrice Direct. Not even for pick-up… Home Delivery included!

                                                                                                         Start Shopping

Build your own deal by simply picking your vehicle through our online inventory. View all you like through our extensive exterior and interior car photos. Then, choose a finance option that fits your needs and budget, after a soft credit check (which doesn’t affect your credit score). Finally, if you want to trade in your current vehicle, TruPrice Direct allows you to see exactly what it’s worth. This price is then factored into your purchase price automatically. After your purchase is made, continue to sit back and relax – we’ll deliver your new Honda right to your home! No question this is one of the best online car buying sites.


No games, no gimmicks. Buy your next car online today with TruPrice Direct from Salinas Honda!